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Alan, my 1st British friend :: 5th, July, 2005

by K. Martin 2005. 7. 6.
with Alan, near Oxford Street

I met Alan lastweek, my friend, J, introduced to me. He is typical English man who is generous, kind, I think.
Today, I met him again and we visited an Art Gallery near Picadilly Circus. Usually I would have to pay without him, but I didn't, because he's a member of the Art Gallery and so he can bring a friend with him for free anytime. He said it was 3rd time he'd been there.
지난주에 친구 영재 소개로 알란을 만났다. 그는 너그럽고, 친절한 전형적인 영국사람 같다.
오늘 그를 다시 만나서 피카딜리 서커스 근처의 미술관에 갔다. 비록 돈을 내야되는 곳이지만 그가 미술관 회원이라 언제든지 친구를 데리고 갈 수 있는 덕에 돈을 안내도 되더라고. 후후 알란은 거기 가는게 세번째라고 했다.

He gave me his opinion and impressions of the paintings for a while and sometimes he helped me to understand some of the paintings which I found difficult. when I stood in front of some works hard to understand. He's not only my friend but also my art and English teacher. ^^ There are many kinds of art works and they gave me many different ideas for my creative thinking. It was a fantastic time.
감상하는 동안 그는 자기의 의견과 감상에 대해 이야기를 했고, 가끔 내가 난해한 몇몇 작품들 앞에 서있을 때 이해를 돕기도 했다. 그는 친구지만, 또한 미술선생님, 영어선생님이다. ^^ 정말 많은 종류의 작품들이 있었고, 덕분에 많은 생각들을 하게 되었다. 정말 좋은 시간이었다.