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[ London Life ]/Photolog77

"My Most Memorable Experience in My London Life" I came across this Jazzbar, called 'The Spice of Life' near Leicester Square, about four months ago, I visited it with my friends, who study with me at Oxford House College, on a school social event. But that time I didn't realise that I could play some musical instruments there, and I just saw that they held gigs. // 내가 레스터스퀘어 근처의 재즈바-The Spice of Life-를 만난 것은 넉달 전으로, 학교 친목도모이벤트에 참가하기 위한 목적이었다... 2005. 9. 18.
Happy Birthday to Me!! :: 15th Sept 2005 Today, 15th, SEPT, is my twenty-fifth birthday, but actually I'm not quite happy. I just feel a little groomy because I can't meet my girl-friend, family and old friends for party or fun. Even though I have few friends here, they can't instead of all of them. A bright spot in this situation is some foreign friends of mine make me feel happy. For example, Antony wanted to make some cakes for me e.. 2005. 9. 15.
Sunny's Last Day, and... :: 23rd, July, 2005 That day was Sunny's last day in London. // 그날은 런던에서 보내는 선정이의 마지막 날 She cook some Korean food for us, and we went to the Cock. // 그녀는 우리를 위해 몇가지 한국음식을 선사했고, 우리는 같이 콕펍엘 갔다. Ellie Esher, Sunny, Ellie Ellie, Mamdooh, Hanif Esher, Sunny, Ellie, and Eun-young That day, Sunny was quite busy. Which means she left early. I met another friends in front of Cock after she left. // 선정이는 다른사람들에게 인사를 하기위해 일찍 .. 2005. 8. 30.
Leith Hill with Alan :: 18th, July, 2005 The Place where is the heightest Hill in South East England. ↑↑↑ If you click this photo, you can see all of photos. ↑↑↑ // 사진을 클릭하면 모든 사진을 볼 수 있습니다. 2005. 8. 30.
The SCENE of Terror in London :: 8th, July, 2005 Next day when there was a bomb-terror in London, I went the scene of terror. Even though I thought it was a bit dangerous, I wanted to understand exactly that Londoner's thinking. // 런던에 폭탄테러가 있던 다음날, 나는 테러현장엘 갔었다. 뭐 위험하다는 생각은 했지만, 워낙 사고가 맘에 안와닿아서 택한 결정이었다. As it happens, I could see some paper that announced someone's missing on the wall when I had just arrived there. // 공교롭게도, 그곳에 도착하자마자 벽에 붙어.. 2005. 8. 30.
Anthony (안토니) with Anthony, my Bodyguard. 2005. 8. 20.