[ London Life ]/Photolog77 Time for 1 week with Mark My new teacher Mark, who is 201cm, was left our class just for 1 week. Actually, he have to teach to us for 2 weeks but he found his profession job. I took photo this time, too. ^^ so I introduce to you my TALL HANDSOME teacher, Mark. It just like father 'n son. with Ellie, Sun with Classmates 2005. 6. 14. Look-alike / 닮은꼴 To see forign friends are always a great pleasure and also sometimes I feel more friendly when they resemble Korean entertainers. 외국 친구들을 만난다는것 자체가 내겐 큰 즐거움이지만, 때때로 그들이 우리나라 연예인들과 달았을 때 더 친근함이 느껴진다. For example, Francesco, who left london this morning, looks like "Kyungsik, Kim". 예를들어 오늘 아침에 런던을 떠난 프란체스코는 김경식을 닮았다. He learned about Korean slangs from one fucking Korean - I don't know his name. H.. 2005. 6. 12. Pizza Hut :: 6th of June, 2005 After school, we wanted to have Kebab with Arif at Turkish restaurant where he work, but it's quite expensive to us. So we had to change into any cheaper restaurant. 원래 Arif가 일하는 케밥집에서 밥을 먹을 예정이었던 우리 일행은, 4명에 50파운드가 넘는다는 충격적인 가격을 듣고는 목적지를 다른 곳으로 향했다. Where can we go? -_- 왜 휘었냐?? 어디로 가라고?? We choose Pizza Hut after walk around duaring about 1 hour. 젠장스럽게도 한시간을 헤메인 뒤에야 피자헛으로 결정을 하게 되었다... 썩 싸진 않지만.. 2005. 6. 7. Mini Concert :: 3rd of June, 2005 Sometimes, I feel it's useful to me even though I usually have to be careful what I do. I was singing during 10 minutes in class because Nora who is my teacher wanted to that I sing. 맨날 눈치보며 가지고 다니던 저 애물단지가 가끔은 저리 쓸모가 있다. Nora-선생님이 노래 좀 불러달라고 노래를 부르는 덕에 결국 수업시간에 일을 저지르고 말았다. What's funny, first song was "슬픈인연" and I answered "Sad Relationship" about asking that what's the meaning of "슬픈인연". -_-;.. 2005. 6. 6. To Change Korean into English :: 3rd of June, 2005 I have to change Korean tongue and Korean Thinking into English' even though it's quite difficult, for improve my English. 영어 실력 향상을 위해... 어렵긴 하지만 내 혓바닥과 생각을 영어화시켜야된다. Just in time, Keiji suggested that we write diary in English at each other's blog, because not only he wanted to read my diary but also I wanted to read his. 마침 케이지가 우리 서로 블로그에다가 영어로 글쓰자고 하더라. 지도 내 글이 읽고 싶고, 나도 지 글이 읽고 싶고 뭐 그렇게 된거.. 2005. 6. 5. Pedro's last day :: 28th of May, 2005 ↑↑↑ CLICK ↑↑↑ 2005. 5. 31. 이전 1 ··· 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ··· 13 다음